“Freely you have received, freely give.”
Giving is an act of worship, it’s our response to everything God has given us! One of the ways we show our gratitude to God is by investing in our church community.
This isn’t a collection, giving is for us, not for God - It’s a way we practice generosity and learn to trust God more.
Giving in the Service
If you’d like to give during the service, as an act of worship, we have a contactless giving station, or you can donate cash by giving it in a labelled enveloped to a member of team.
Standing Order
You can easily set up a standing order at your local bank or online with these details.
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00099444
For the benefit of: The Potting Shed Church
Gift Aid
Boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate. If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim gift aid on your gift. To allow us to claim gift aid on your behalf, please complete a declaration form, which you can get by dropping us a message at office@thepottingshedchurch.org.